Written By: Michelle Howard – Edited By: Nicole Quarles, Sarah Hanson, & Haley Nix
Remote patient monitoring (RPM) is a fantastic way for you to stay in touch with your physician without an in-office visit.
Although a new concept, RPM is now considered to be the future of healthcare innovation. Remote patient monitoring is the safest, and most modern way for you to continue having your annual check-ups, along with a multitude of other benefits; such as 24-hour access to your physician on a secure, encrypted platform. But how do you know which telehealth app is best for you and your physician, and why should you choose remote patient monitoring?
As the healthcare industry evolves, we are now seeing innovative ways to receive healthcare outside of a physician’s office, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic. As such, remote patient monitoring services are growing rapidly, and any physician who is not currently using an RPM/telehealth service needs to decide which RPM/telehealth service is best for their practice moving forward.
The shortlist of benefits of a remote patient monitoring service for you and the physician include:
Physicians are quite possibly the busiest professionals in the world. myRemoteCheckup is here to make their workload more efficient while maximizing the care given to patients. Telehealth services provide the revolutionary option to contact your physician directly with your health concerns. This technology gives both you and your physician more freedom, by unifying your healthcare with your everyday life.
Both telehealth and remote patient monitoring services are covered by Medicare and most private insurance companies. myRemoteCheckup provides internal billing to ensure your telehealth visit with your physician is completely covered by your insurance company, so there are no hidden fees!
Physician offices that use the Health Wealth Safe, Inc. (Your Health is Your Wealth) app, myRemoteCheckup, have reported a significant drop in their in-clinic traffic and they credit this development towards the ability to manage their patients’ need via remote patient monitoring through the app.
The app/service allows the physician to review the patient’s day-to-day data from their smartwatch, instead of an office visit, which will give physicians a better insight to treat the patient and remove timely chart review.
With the time saved through this remote efficiency, remote patient monitoring allows physicians to spend more time with their patients ensuring accuracy, eliminating the risk of misdiagnosis, and writing unnecessary or harmful prescriptions.
Physicians can treat their patients’ needs by logging into the remote patient monitoring app (myRemoteCheckup) and view their patient data. The engagement with your RPM app is the missing link between you and your proper diagnosis. If needed, the physician may contact you through the app via chat or telehealth (video or telephone) for questions or concerns regarding any out-of-range responses (health concerns) from your smart phone’s data.
Due to COVID-19, Health Wealth Safe, Inc. (Your Health is Your Wealth) strongly suggests choosing a physician who is actively engaged in a telehealth service like myRemoteCheckup (available in the App Store or on Google Play).
myRemoteCheckup, unlike other services, assigns patients a personal Navigator (Patient Care Coordinator) because the goal of all remote patient monitoring services should be: ensuring that patients are comfortable in engaging in their health and communicating their health concerns. The same way you take time and care to choose your physician.
Further, the Navigators at myRemoteCheckup can teach you how to use both the app and any remote patient monitoring equipment you may have, such as glucose monitors, blood pressure cuffs, and pulse oximeters.
Every day, more and more physicians are joining the remote patient monitoring movement. Don’t let your practitioner be left behind. Ask your physician if you are eligible for myRemoteCheckup today!
For more information on myRemoteCheckup and how to sign up, please visit myRemoteCheckup.com. We will be with you every step of the way!
Subodh K. Agrawal, MD, FACC – CEO and Founder of Health Wealth Safe, inc.
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